Exam Week Assignment (BUS2205)

Hi Folks:

Here’s your ‘exam week’ assignment.

Go here: http://www.mediapost.com/publications/article/247169/as-gen-y-gets-less-green-patagonia-re-revs-its-b.html

  • Read the article (“As Gen Y Gets Less Green, Patagonia Re-Revs Its ‘Buy Less’ Message”) and watch the embedded video about Patagonia’s Worn Wear Repair Truck.
  • Respond to the following questions in the comment section below:
    1. What do you think of Patagonia’s ‘buy less of our stuff’ message? Is it good marketing practice? Is it good business practice? To whom might it appeal?
    2. What are some ways that marketing and marketers can shape society for the better?

Your responses will count towards your ‘Class-Related Marketing Assignments’ grade. They are due by 5/7.

Thanks for a great semester.


36 thoughts on “Exam Week Assignment (BUS2205)

  1. Ryan Etter May 4, 2015 / 8:35 pm

    I think that Patagonia’s message of ‘Buy Less’ really shows a lot about company focus. They aren’t just concerned with financial aspects of their company they are one of the few companies that has an top notch HR department and being an environmental and outdoor company taking this approach shows true company character. By actually engaging with the customer and mending their battered clothes instead of just marketing to them to buy new ones is a good practice and I don’t think this would have any negative impact on sales because they would increase brand loyalty due to this repair business. But not only do they care about the customers wants, they are also focused on the green environment. It said that the U.S. sustainability has been in decline which is bad for the environment and the fact Patagonia is taking steps to involve people in this matter and inform people on their tour is very influential to society. This would appeal to environmentalists and outdoorsmen who love the outdoors as well as environment groups that may adopt Patagonia clothing into their groups to show support. I think that marketers could really influence society because media has so much power now a days. If companies adopted Patagonia’s marketing technique to teach people to be green as well as accommodate the customer I think that could really turn heads. Its a numbers game but it all has to start somewhere.


  2. Ryan Zdanwich May 4, 2015 / 9:14 pm

    As a millenial, I tend to buy average-priced clothing which usually either gets too worn out or I lose them, and I will usually throw them out or if I really like the piece of clothing that is worn out I will see if my grandmother will sew them back up for me. However, she developed Carpal Tunnel in her hands, so for the last few years I have resorted to throwing things out. After watching this video and reading the article, I realized that I would have saved a few thousand dollars if I got my worn out clothes “rebuilt”. I also like to save some money if I can, however I don’t usually go out of my way to save money. In general, their clothing repair business is a unique and helpful business to have, and bringing it on the road to the customers is a really attractive marketing strategy. For people who are typically middle-to-lower class, this would appeal to them the most. In addition, providing a schedule with the places and times they will travel, it will give customers a reason to save money by going to the customers. Also, this marketing strategy is extremely unique and interesting, and I believe that people may even try to search for some worn out clothing to even engage in the event. In addition, encouraging people to share memories is key to engaging people because good memories keep people happy. It will bring comfort to anyone who steps foot near the truck to have their clothes mended. While attending the events, the workers will inform people about the underlooked statement of “going green”, and providing statistics like the U.S being at a great decline in going green will force people to become aware that they actually do make a difference.
    It is true that people are caring less and less about the health of the planet. We assume that it will take at least a few hundred years for this planet to crumble, with lack of better words, so we assume that we will not be affected by our actions. In the grand scheme of things, most marketing for good and services are for things we don’t particularly need, only want. However, there are obviously things we need, and people market things necessary for life, but many of the things we buy only benefit us temporarily, which is why we are constantly consuming different products and services that benefit us in different ways. If marketers can convince people that most people don’t put full use to the products they consume, and that is a key factor to our economy falling from the number one spot in the world. Many things that people throw out aren’t liquid assets (cash) but are a substitute of cash and we throw away money without realizing it. However, millenials, like stated in the article, want everything to be instant because essentially we have everything at our fingertips. We are somehow focused in our small circle of life without realizing the big picture of the world. However, bringing the clothing mending service to milennials will satisfy them because they don’t need to go out of their way to get something done, and hopefully it will open our eyes.


  3. William Cavalier May 5, 2015 / 2:00 am

    I think Patagonia’s ‘buy less of our stuff’ message is a great message to be spreading around now days especially since everyone is trying to take a turn for the better and become more environmentally friendly or so i thought. Patagonia’s idea of repairing clothing instead of throwing them out, because of their overuse or a torn sleeve is a great way to spread economic and environmental awareness. I believe its a good marketing practice because it not only gets the eco- friendly message out, but it also shows how much Patagonia cares about their customers and attracts customer loyalty, which in turn can create more sales. Patagonia may not even be interested in profits with this campaign but it could attract a better customer base, which is more loyal and concerned about there future.
    Many big time companies and producers of goods, have a large impact on society and how their goods influence older and younger crowds. By sending out a message that their company supports a more eco friendly product or that they support hungry children in other countries, may show people a better side of humanity and can shape society for the better. Even though some people may not be concerned with other people’s wellness, there are a good amount of people who do care about the earth’s health and the people surrounding them. There are companies, such as Patagonia who try to send a message to their customers that the world can be made a better place ben by one Mobile repair truck.


  4. Jackie Lurvey May 5, 2015 / 3:05 am

    I really like Patagonia’s “buy less of our stuff” campaign. I think it is really important to encourage repairing just as much as reusing and recycling. While recycling/reusing has become a growing trend and is becoming normal practice, repairing has been left off the radar, and I think Patagonia will benefit very much from beginning a trend of repairing. I know that Patagonia is a very environmentally focused and outdoorsy company, so this campaign fits perfectly with their brand.

    By participating in this practice, Patagonia has been able to design a movement to hold on to clothing and to see the value in the memories that it holds. I really like how they incorporated memories into this campaign. Much of the value in this campaign, aside from being environmentally friendly and buying less, is about rejuvenating old, favorite clothes, so that more memories can be made in them. The type of consumer that Patagonia is targeting are environmentally friendly and adventurous. These of people have made crazy, awesome memories and accomplished some great adventures, so they would be looking to keep their favorite coat or fleece in mint condition, so that it can be worn on many more adventures. Patagonia is searching for the value below the physical article of clothing, which, I think, will become a very successful campaign for their brand.

    Marketers can shape society for the better by marketing the right products/companies in the right way. By finding the environmentally friendly option, that will still bring in profit, marketers can make society a better place. By supporting anything to better off the world, marketers can make a real difference in the ways that consumers shop and, beyond that, treat what they buy. If marketers take the time to think of earth friendly, recyclable or repairable options, they can make society much better. Patagonia is making great leaps and hopefully other companies will follow their lead.


  5. Cody J. Russell May 5, 2015 / 3:21 am

    1) Patagonia’s message is literally a ‘down to earth’ message. It is inspiring that people who care this much for the environment would decide to make it their mission to travel and mend the worn and torn garments of consumers. I also think that this message should grasp our attention and make us take a look at who we are and some of the past choices we’ve made with clothes. In today’s society, we have definitely been moving away from being an environmentally sound culture. We need people like the ones at Patagonia who will not only deliver an important environmental message but also live out said daily message in their everyday lives. This marketing practice is definitely a good one. First off, showing that your cause and main goals are to go deep into each individual customer, learn about them, and fix a piece of damaged clothing which has an impact on the owner is a great way to get well known. You will touch the hearts of many and everyone will know who you are and what you do. Second, the fact that they are “bringing the business to the consumers” on the cross country road trip will draw a lot more attention and gain a lot more followers. In my opinion, this is a very good business practice. Any business who’s main goal is to help others is a good business practice. Also, it can be categorized as a good business practice because not only are we cutting spending and fixing old memories, we are saving the environment as well. It is a good business practice because people support the cause, and you will always find a large group of people of all different ages who will be on board with the message. This message will most definitely appeal to, and I mean this in the sincerest way for lack of better words, ‘environmental freaks’ who want a better , greener earth. Also, you have to take into consideration all the lower income families who have old raggedy clothes and not a lot of money for fixing. Lastly, all the ones in America who have shirts and pants holding on by the last couple threads. No matter what social class, they have gotten their wear out of the clothes and they have plenty of sentimental value so they are beyond worth keeping. You know what all of these consumer interactions will have? Personality. It is not a simple repair shop, it is an act of kindness, a social learning experience, a personal interaction an opportunity to make new friends. With a world and market that demands trust, building a personal relationships are a good place to start.

    2) One of the ways marketing and marketers can shape society for the better is that it teaches people how to connect and interact with one another. This leads for a society built with a solid layer foundation of communication and how to talk, behave, and respect one another. Other ways marketers can shape society for the better is by focusing on individual relationships with the consumer. By turning a simple transaction into a bonding transaction and agreement can make society one where developed relationships are present and meaningful. By taking a minute to get to know your customer, you can turn a simple short term transaction into a long term relationship which turns into a standard rebuy of a product. Also, advertising in ways that promote good social morals can catch the attention of the consumers and shape society in a good way. When we market negative propaganda, moral behavior, and even language we are showing that it is “cool” to act negatively. By producing ads with good deeds, good language, common courtesy and politeness, you can shape a society that has a firm moral compass always pointing true north when it comes to who we are as people.


  6. Mattia Lanzi May 5, 2015 / 4:35 pm

    I am a big fan of Patagonia, and I really think that Patagonia’s “buy less of our stuff” campaign is a great idea. I agree witch Jackie, in today’s society recycling and reusing has become a normal practice and most of the people do those two think as ordinary things. However, not many people repair their old stuff, and I think this is a good campaign from Patagonia because reflect its image to all of the customers.

    With this campaign, Patagonia tries to save memories of its customers that they have trough their clothes. For example, for my dad it is always hard trough away old clothes, because maybe that kind of cloth has a big memorie for him, so he always try to repair it. This campaign first is good for the environment and second Patagonia is trying to reevaluate old clothes and in my opinion, it is a very good choice.

    The target of Patagonia is people who love adventure and also Patagonia is trying to make a friendly environment. It is all based on the memories that a customer had with Patagonia’s clothes. Patagonia is trying to give value to clothes that people have bought form them, and maybe the new/old cloth can give to the customers even more and more adventures. In my point of view, I think this campaign will be very successful.

    One of the ways that marketing and marketers can shape society for the better is that it just doesn’t give you a a more friendly environment with other people but also will it still bring in profit. Marketers can change the society in a better place to live. Another way is that marketers could build an individual relationship with the customers. Giving more attention to consumers, he will build a loyalty relationship with you and he will come back to buy your product again. Patagonia is doing a great thing with this campaign and hopefully some other brands will do the same in the future.


  7. Sam Ventresca May 5, 2015 / 4:46 pm

    I really enjoyed Patagonia’s message, ‘buy less of our stuff’. The message shows that Patagonia cares about the environment and most of all the consumers. The marketing practice and business practice of Patagonia is great for the company. Patagonia showed that they want to hear all the stories about our favorite shirts or jackets that we have been so close with on every experience. Patagonia doesn’t want to see us throw away our favorite, most sentimental piece of clothing because of the wear and tear it has gone through. I respect this message by Patagonia because it shows that they care about the consumer, and this appeals to many consumers including myself. Even if I don’t send in clothes of mine to repair, I value Patagonia’s message and approach. Patagonia’s practices will make me favor Patagonia over other competing brands. I believe the message will appeal mostly to the age group 30-60. The reason being is that this age group has been through many experiences with their favorite piece of clothing and have more of a sentimental feeling to their clothes. They are more wise about saving the environment. Also they are young enough to know about this message and send in their clothes. I don’t think it appeals to millennials because of the lack of experiences they have been through. The live young and free mentality that does go well together with saving the environment. I personally don’t even have a favorite piece of clothing that I have used in my lifetime to have repaired.

    Marketing and marketers can shape society to be better by using commercials, advertisements, and social media . People use television and the interenet more than ever. If marketers want to get their message across about saving the environment and shaping society to be better. They should advertise on social media platforms, in commercials, and use online advertisements. That way more and more people will see why they should invest in an idea, service, or product that will make a difference in our world. Patagonia shares a great message but I believe it can reach so many more people by advertising it in commercials, online ads, and sharing it on social media.


  8. Patrick Barrett May 6, 2015 / 12:02 am

    This article came down to just one thought, it just fits. It just fits Patagonia to not only have a department that mends old clothing but it fits the company to promote the buy less of our stuff mentality. The people who are true Patagonia people are those who truly understand this message and not only believe in it, but also live it as the company’s many promotional peaces have exposed. I would like to believe that I am one of these people. I am a person who owns many Patagonia pieces personal and would expect nothing less but to wear the garments I have until the day that they literally fall of my back. Its not necessarily a promotional message of the brand but an exposé of the life style the brand is so firmly attached to. To me thats the most powerful way to market a brand and one that will allow you to almost never fail. Just like how nike is so synonyms to the life style of athletics that even non athletes buy the product to try and feel connected; so do people who buy Patagonia. Of course they have a core customer base that lives the lifestyle they promote. However, the people they really reach with a promotional piece like this are the people who never will, but dream that they are. People whom you see who have never hiked a mountain or that have never lived amongst the land. Yet people who live in cities and suburbia that want to feel a connection to the life that they dream they live. Pulling on a garment with the Patagonia logo lets them gain that feeling and is a walking billboard to the life they pretend of having. Thats why this message is so powerful, it’s a celebration of those who live as Patagonia lives and a promotional peace to those who don’t. Patagonia loses business from people whom to be honest don’t have the money to buy loads of pieces. Therefor gaining the business of those who have the money to spend and a throw away attitude to keep coming back.

    Honestly I don’t think marketers are in the position of changing society in any way. All marketers can do is represent society as it already is and make that part of it that is beneficial to a brand desirable to those who are not apart of it. Like I said as an example this campaign by Patagonia is a celebration to some and a promotion to others, nothing else. If your apart of the life you will continue to do what you do and maintain the life you always lived. For those who don’t, the lifestyle seems appealing enough to buy products that are synonyms yet theoretically won’t change much in any other way. Sure there will be some who fall into line and buy into the brand message enough to make major changes in their lives yet not enough to write home about. In the end marketers have the ability to make things look desirable and important yet have very little power over people and the way they live, that is up to people themselves.


  9. David Cravotta May 6, 2015 / 1:46 pm

    I enjoyed Patagonias “buy less of our stuff message” because the way they were able to mend people’s ripped or worn clothing gave the company a sense of comradery with themselves and their customers. It was a new way for me to look at clothing. In all honesty I’m a millennial and I go about my clothing a different way than this. Although, this marketing strategy will work for those who are trying to go “greener” even though it is a declining strategy so the amount of people this will hit is relatively on the smaller end. Those who have that drive to change our environment will buy into this campaign because it appeals to what one of their life objectives are. Me, being not so caring about the environment, if something is old or worn out it just finds itself going into the trash. Repairing old clothing doesn’t appeal to me if I have the means to buy brand new ones. Thats the fear that this campaign should sort of have, people with that same mind set.

    I don’t think marketers can exactly change society. What would better themselves and their campaign is to really get their advertisement of this campaign out there on tv and social media as much as they can to spread the awareness of this offering. This is just clothing, not apple or microsoft. Those companies changed society and they way we all communicated forever. This is just clothing we put on our body, I don’t see a huge margin for change with this one. It
    is a good cause and it may attract more buyers to this brand because of the “environment friendly” appearance. Marketers can only be hopeful with attracting new buyers rather than shaping them.


  10. Joe Greco May 6, 2015 / 1:57 pm

    1. I believe that patagonia’s ‘buy less of our stuff’ message is a very interesting marketing campaign. The reason why I believe so is because is because very rarely are people lending out old cloths especially those that have been damaged it is certainly a new and intriguing marketing strategy. I however do not think it is a good business practice, the reason I feel this way is because people are not going to be want to be wearing cloths that have been damaged before and worn before. I do not think this is going to work. This may appeal to people who practice the ‘go green’ concept and are looking to wear cloths that are environmentally friendly
    2. Some ways marketers can shape society better is by being more environmentally friendly. As time goes on people are becoming more and more aware of the environment and not damaging it. Marketers can take that extra step also by helping people out such as in this marketing strategy that Patagonia has done.


  11. Amanda McKenzie May 6, 2015 / 6:02 pm

    I really like the idea of Patagonia’s “buy less of our stuff” campaign. Not only does it reduce the amount of clothes people throw away, but also I think it raises a sort of awareness that just because something is ripped or worn doesn’t mean that you can’t wear it anymore. Consignment shops are becoming a big thing for more of the designer or even regular everyday clothes, but this campaign appeals especially to the more outdoorsy type of people. I think it is a cool marketing technique for people who normally shop for Patagonia’s products, but besides this article and video, this is the first I’ve heard of this campaign, so they should probably try to spread their message or else this campaign will not work. I would think that for this type of business getting a truck and going across country seems not too environmentally friendly even if it is bio diesel fuel, but it is a good idea to promote the fact that they do repair clothes.

    I think everything is marketing is geared to trying to get everything more environmentally friendly so this is a good marketing technique for this business. For marketers and marketing in general, society can be changed for the better if marketing gets cheaper and appeals to wider audiences. I don’t think marketing will have a huge impact on changing society completely but if they promote more environmentally friendly products the environment will be better off.


  12. Yafen Liu May 6, 2015 / 7:56 pm

    I think Patagonia’s “buy less of our stuff” is a brilliant marketing strategy. Nowadays, as the taste and consumer behavior are changing rapidly, companies need to try their best to keep up with consumers. Cutting costs, improving product and services quality, strengthening delivery and keeping innovative are not enough for companies, they also need to figure out what consumers are thinking and concerning about.
    By helping consumers to repair their old stuff to saving memories and stories, Patagonia not only maintains loyal consumers, but also attracts more new consumers. Sometimes, people always try to keep the stuff contains their sweet memories. What Patagonia did helped consumers keeping the old memories and adding new value to consumers’ life.
    Patagonia’s target market will be the people who love environment and its original loyal consumers. On one hand, consumers concern about environmental problems, so it is vital to think what they are think and concerning about. By doing so, companies not only build their loyalty of brand image, but also attract more consumers who have the same ideas. Since the concerning of environment is growing, consumers would feel they are supported if there is companies stand by their side. As a result, they will buy those companies’ products and services next time, because they have a good impression of the companies. On the other hand, original consumers will be willing to buy Patagonia’s products, because they know it snot only focuses on making money, but also pay attention to environmental problems. As a result, consumers, including new ones, would be proud to be one of Patagonia’s targets.
    Providing environmentally friendly products and services is one strategy to care about society, and keep with consumers’ step at the same time. For marketers, it is essential to know what consumers are thinking and make the right decisions.
    Patagonia did a great job. Hope to see what it will do next.


  13. Patrick Lynch May 6, 2015 / 8:54 pm

    I enjoyed Patagonia’s buy less of our stuff message, because I feel like the message is directed towards a community. Their commercial shows Patagonia workers going out specifically to outdoors-men and fixing their clothes. Patagonia are also targeting people who support “Going Green,” but I feel as though many outdoors-men follow that message. I notice that Patagonia is the largest garment repair business, but I feel like this this message is really aiming towards a small market. I mean how many times an outdoors-men will tear their jacket. Perhaps a couple times a year, but you’re not going to gain all of your intended market. I feel as though Patagonia should go to poor cities/towns and aim their market towards the low class, because these families may not have the money to buy new clothes, but you can save them half their money by repairing their clothes. It would be a greater market, and that the inequality between rich and poor is widening every year, and the middle class is slowly decreasing to the lower class. So the market is increasing , and you should market to poor families saying they can save money, and you could do “I want to here your story” to this target market, rather than the green outdoors-men because it is more moving which will help bring in more clients. Well some ways for marketing can shape our society for the best, is to produce low economical products that everyone could buy and that is sufficient, and also market an idea just like Patagonia’s that is aiming for a green world. Also companies that inform goodwill, or companies that help out the low-middle class like Salvation Army. It is also a great task for marketers to make their costumers feel belonging to a group who buys their product like Coca Cola’s Campaign. Also that the marketing of their product does not lie to the costumer when they buy it. I think Patagonia does a great job marketing their campaign but I feel like green outdoors-men is a finite market that they could do well in, but if they really want to grow tremendously then they should look to make shops in cities like Baltimore, St. Louis, and Detroit where they can help lower class families who struggle economically.


  14. Michael Scuderi May 6, 2015 / 9:49 pm

    1, Patagonia’s ‘buy less of our stuff’ message is a extremely strong one because it steps back from our society and shows us that Patagonia isn’t just trying to get as much money as they can out of us. This new message only strengthens the idea that Patagonia as a company cares about its consumers and wants to please us anyway they can. So Patagonia sat down and thought about what is most precious to the outdoors community then it fit, “there cloths and the stories/memories they have in them. I think this is an excellent marketing idea because it shows the consumers that Patagonia is looking out for our best interest and also helping us preserve our memories of the grate outdoors. As for a business practice its even better because you connect with your customers at a deeper level and they will remember that and keep coming back just for the experience alone. This will appeal to long-term outdoors men and women who have worn there cloths down and need repair and want to also keep their memories of the outdoors alive.

    2, I believe that marketers and marketing can shape society for the better buy realize that business is a lot more then just making money, its connecting with customers and giving them what they want. You see at the end of the day marketing is just giving the people what they want. Well now a days the people want an experience and a safe environment that is different then the norm and stands out to them. people these days are willing to pay for the experience so that means marketers these days have to be willing to give them a pleasurable and fulfilling experience. But most importantly we need to move away from the mentality of just trying to get as much money as you can out of a customer. We need to start caring about the people we serve and work hard to give them the best quality and most fulfilling experience ever time.


  15. Andrew Arcidi May 6, 2015 / 10:28 pm

    1. I believe that Patagonia’s message is trying to make the point that they don’t care as much about the money as they do their customers. I think that Patagonia wants to please consumers not only by repairing their clothing so they do not have to spend money on new gear, but by repairing the consumers clothing it lets them keep their items that may be of great sentimental value to them. This is a great marketing practice because it shows Patagonia cares about their consumers and what they care about, rather than focusing on the money value. I think it was a smart business practice because it gives Patagonia a more caring, and involved image in the eyes of their customers. When consumers feel cared for,loved, and appreciated by a business they are more likely to keep coming back for more. I think this would appeal to any outdoor-type person who has an appreciation for the sentimental things in life, and who is a “do it yourself” type of person.

    2. Marketing and Marketers can shape society for the better by incorporating more things like Patagonia’s idea in their practices. I think it is important to let consumers know that they are your number one priority, rather than their money. I think the needs and wants of the consumer should be prioritized rather than the potential profit you may make off of them and that they need to be shown that you believe in that. Marketers should really be focusing on what is best for the consumer, and what will be the most pleasurable experience for them. Getting involved with your customers is a great way to show them that you care and appreciate them.


  16. Olivia Boudreau May 6, 2015 / 11:09 pm

    I think Patagonia’s “buy less of our stuff” campaign is a really good idea not only because it is environmentally friendly but it provides customers with great customer service and increases brand loyalty. This idea goes along with what their brand is about and it could only be a positive thing for them. If you’re Patagonia product gets damaged you know you don’t have to spend all that money again on another product that could also get damaged or broken. This could definitely increase sales for the company and help them maintain a long lasting relationship with customers which is what makes this a great marketing practice.

    People these days don’t usually go through the hassle of fixing something when it’s damaged they just throw it away and buy something new so I think this will help people be less wasteful. I think this is a good business practice because they are focusing on doing something good for society and they aren’t as concerned about how much money they are making. They are more concerned about promoting their message and satisfying and building relationships with their customers.This campaign would appeal to not only people who love the outdoors and realistically need their products, but it appeals to people who want a quality product in which they will get the most for their money.

    Marketers definitely have a huge influence on society because they shape the way that consumers perceive certain products/services/ideas. They have the power to manipulate consumers in a good way or a bad way. Marketers are constantly trying to find out what consumers need, which means they can find what can influence society for the better. In this example, Patagonia had the opportunity to try and make consumers less wasteful and they are doing this by their “buy less of our stuff” campaign.


  17. Skye Stewart May 6, 2015 / 11:53 pm

    a) I like the idea of Patagonia’s “buy less of our stuff” campaign sends out a great message, but I don’t think a lot of people are going to use this campaign as a way to be greener or to save money. Of course there is going to be a particular target audience that appreciates and uses this campaign’s ideas, but it definitely isn’t for everyone. I don’t think they advertise it enough either, because I’ve never even heard of it! They should definitely make it more well known and get people to jump on their bandwagon. Overall, it is a great idea but they just need more support and a way to market the campaign so that more people know about the message they are trying to convey. I think it’s a good marketing practice because I think they probably already have an idea that it’s only going to be a select target audience that appreciates the campaign. It is a good marketing practice because their customers are able to keep using the brand, it gives people a way to remember the brand, and it shows people that Patagonia is willing to have a strong relationship with its customers, no matter who they are. I guess it’s an okay business practice, but I think it’s a better marketing practice. I don’t think they will really gain anything or lose anything from running this campaign as a business. I think its better to market the campaign because it shows customers who they are and keeps customers coming back (which could be good for the business, too). As stated earlier, I think it will really only appeal to people who already buy Patagonia products, as well as maybe some money-savers and those trying to be greener.

    b) Marketing and marketers can do plenty to shape a society for the better. Marketing can essentially change someone’s opinion about a product, service, or idea. They can market all of the good things about a product and tell people why it’s worth buying. Marketers can send messages about being healthy, being green, or getting fit and if it’s attractive enough, people will start to act on the ads that they see. For example, people are always making a big deal about attractive people being shown in ads and how it’s not fair because people think that they are “supposed to look that way.” Well that right there shows evidence that people look at different marketing campaigns and relate them to themselves. Marketing and marketers have the ability to change people- and hopefully for the better.


  18. Brian Cummings May 7, 2015 / 2:00 am

    A.) I think Patagonia’s ‘buy less of our stuff’ campaign gives them a very good public image. It show’s Patagonia cares about the well being of their customers. Showing they will go to extremes to repair their customers most prized outerwear. For example in the video they showed customers talking about jackets they have and how much they value them, then the customers are thanking Patagonia. It gives people trust in the company. I think it is a very good marketing practice because it gives the image that Patagonia truly cares about their customers. I don’t think its as good of a business move simply because I just don’t know if there would be enough people in a target market. I think Patagonia just is not as prevalent as many other companies out there. If I had to choose anyone who it would appeal to I think it would be the type of bigger families who like to reuse clothes such as giving ‘give hand-me-downs.’
    B.) Marketers can help change society through their means of reaching millions of people. More often than not marketers want to convey a positive message, so a company like Patagonia coming out with an environmentally friendly campaign is going to help their public image. And with a good public image a company can better society.


  19. James Wagner May 7, 2015 / 2:06 am

    Patagonia’s ‘buy less of our stuff’ program is a great idea. Patagonia’s gear is made to be used in the field and should be used for a while. When people use the product for years on years, it creates wear and tear. Patagonia is already an expensive company, so if they want to repair your product, in exchange for your story with the product, it’s worth it. Patagonia is all about their product being a companion throughout the adventures of life. Patagonia has a strong message about taking pride in the memories you shared with the product. The world now just wants the newest and greatest, but Patagonia believes in recycling the old. Even if you personally don’t want the refurbished product, other people might have interest in taking the old Patagonia on their adventures.I love the idea of having the Bio-diesel truck traveling around America to show people that recycling the product is something to be proud of. The cross-country tour is a corny way to advertise that Patagonia supports people who want to keep using the same product. The “Buy less of our stuff” message will appeal to more avid users of Patagonia gear. The people who do believe that you can use and abuse the product before you turn it in. This seems like a good marketing idea because people will start to think about the recycling of clothing they do in their lives. Patagonia is re-revving the idea of recycling, which is something that other companies should be doing as well. Patagonia is smart in bringing back the idea of recycling their own products, soon enough you will see other companies do the same thing because it is important to think about how much we actually use a product before we just get rid of it.


  20. Lindsey Fratus May 7, 2015 / 2:27 am

    -I really like Patagonia’s new campaign. It think it is really showing America that they care a s a company and are a conscientious company. They produce clothing that is meant to withstand the outdoors, so when something happens to it i think it is smart that they are backing it up and fixing it for the customer. it is environmentally friendly and helping the to provide better customer service making it a good marketing practice. It gets peoples attention and makes them think about other ways they could possibly cut down or become green. I think it is a good business practice because ti shows that Patagonia is a responsible, ethical, and “green” company. This “buy less of our stuff” message will apply to anyone and everyone. They are speaking to past and future Patagonia customers. And even if someone is not a customer, it reminds them that we only have one Earth and need to cut down on using so many resources and try to preserve the things that we already have.
    -Marketers can shape society to be better by having more campaigns like this one. They don’t necessarily have to tell people to “buy less” of their product, but tell them the environmental advantages to purchasing their product over another that is bad for the planet. Marketing can change the way someone looks at a company or a product. They have the ability to persuade people the way they want. They can send all kinds of positive messages, like being health, “green, or just making smart buying decisions. The companies like Patagonia are the ones that stay in people minds for future purchases and the type of company that stay around for a while.


  21. Patrick Breslin May 7, 2015 / 2:36 am

    I believe Patagonia’s “buy less of our stuff” message shows a lot about their company’s philanthropy. This message shows the public that the company cares not only about revenue but also global issues. I believe this is a good marketing practice because Patagonia saves on production costs when they repair their apparel instead of making more of it all together. Also, this initiative says to the public that they believe in their product and that it is durable and will last a long time as well as saying that the less products they make the better it is for our planet. This message will make those that don’t already have Patagonia apparel, purchase it and those who do, get it repaired. Overall, I think Patagonia is very smart using this marketing technique. The “buy less of our stuff” message is a great business practice in general. More companies should follow suit with Patagonia on this idea. As a large company, openly showing the public that their care for the planet is greater than maximizing their profits as well as showing such confidence in the durability of their products, makes people want to invest in their company’s purpose more so than their product. Although, the Patagonia article did mention that the majority of today’s society is carless for world issues, I believe Patagonia’s “buy less” message will appeal to more than just the green community, because of its originality and boldness. This message really shows the company is taking a risk and truly cares about our planet and that is a purpose anyone would want to invest in.

    Marketers as well as the general practice of marketing should focus their goals on shaping society for the better. As Patagonia did, other marketers should create campaigns that focus on global issues such as reducing waste, going green, being electrically efficient, and so on. By using these messages to market their product or company as a whole they are positively branding and gaining the public’s respect. Company’s need to come to the understanding that the public may realize they are making poor decisions for our planet but they know it won’t affect their generation, so companies need to influence them to think differently. Marketing can start to better shape society when companies focus on changing humanity as a whole and how today’s society thinks, regarding these global issues. Marketing greatly controls how consumers conduct themselves and their actions, if companies can start to market their products in a way that is also beneficial to the health of our planet, the world will be a better place.


  22. Briana Lynch May 7, 2015 / 3:22 am

    I think that the message “Buy Less of Our Stuff” is an effective marketing strategy because is memorable and adds to the personality of the brand. It shows that Pantagonia is not simply focused on making a profit and selling as much merchandise as possible. Instead, it allows consumers to see that Pantagonia is a company with integrity who puts their values first. Consumers know that Pantagonia cares about the environment and wants people to reuse their clothing as much as possible. I think it mainly appeals to the consumers they already target, which is the active, outdoors oriented people. These people are concerned with taking care of the environment and being green. Therefore, if they see a company such as Pantagonia encouraging this kind of behavior, they will have more respect for the company, which will then result in more secure brand loyalty. Overall, I think it is a creative and powerful way to relate to consumers and encourage them to buy and use a product.

    Marketers have the power to shape society for the better by focusing on ethical issues such as the environment and recycling. It is important that they show consumers that they have issues that they value and want to address through their business practices. By doing so, they can inspire consumers to live out these values as well. Many companies have the ability to reach millions of consumers through marketing and with this power they help shape the world and encourage more ethical business practices. Donating proceeds to a charity or organization, for example, may encourage other businesses as well as consumers to do the same. Businesses that appear less greedy and more concerned with society and their communities can often inspire others to act in similar ways.


  23. beaudoinr May 7, 2015 / 4:17 am

    I think that the new campaign serves Patagonia well. I believe that it shows that the company is trying to put the customers before their numbers. It is showing that the company truly cares about the people that it is serving and the clothing that it produces. The company is also taking in the sentimental value of the clothing which is a whole new factor that will make the customer remember them and begin to build trust and loyalty between both parties. The company is not only showing their concerns for their customers but also for the environment. Not having to produce as much clothing is an environmentally healthy way to try and clean up our planet. this not only keeps the customers the company has now but it also attracts new customers to join the “movement” to better the earth. This will appeal to anyone who can afford to wear the Patagonia product. The one way a company marketers can shape the society is by what i referred to early in bettering the earth with producing less waste which in return will cause the environment to hopefully increase in quality.


  24. Billy Muldoon May 7, 2015 / 1:04 pm

    1.) As I have grown as an adult, I have become more focused on my attire, especially with the prices and quality of the items. I feel as though this campaign by Patagonia is a great way to carry this “eco-friendly” message that they want to get across to people in the world. Like stated in the article, the “do it for me, and do it now” mentality has been spreading widely among consumers, causing us to lose sight of what is more important, which is the quality of our clothing. With Patagonia becoming so focused on their individual customers, it makes them look even more desirable towards potential customers. This causes Patagonia to create strong relationships with their customers. Being both environmentally conscious, as well as being aware of your customers, makes Patagonia a great business to model after. This business practice is a great idea, because not only are they spreading the message about staying “Green” but they are also creating strong bonds with their customers, which will then cause them to refer their friends as well. This idea can appeal tho so many types of people from low, middle, and upper class societies. With people now a days becoming more and more wary of disloyal companies, they need to have complete trust in the various companies for which they purchase their products; which is why I feel Patagonia will succeed to great lengths with this project. Now only will they be gaining revenue, but they will also be creating thousands of new relationships with new customers, as well as strengthening their current customer relationships.

    2.) In order for a marketer, or marketing in general in that matter, to shape society for the better, they have to be extremely aware of the products or ideas for which they are marketing. They want to market the environmentally-sound products that they know is the product that the customer should buy if they want to change the world for a better. Not a product that they only want to sell to make money. If they do this, and customers realize the product is not doing what they promised it would, or they are not satisfied, then the company will lose it’s customer base. Also, I feel that in order for a company to be successful, and if they want to shape society for the better, then they should be aware of the relationships with their customers. If they have strong relationships with their customers, then their customers will be more likely to continue to purchase products from said company, as well as to refer their friends to the company. If a customer know they are going to make a difference in the world by using a certain product, and in the process gains a new friend or acquaintance, then they will most likely buy said product, and hopefully will refer others to do the same as well.


  25. Nandish Patel May 7, 2015 / 3:43 pm

    Patagonia’s “buy less of our stuff” is a distinctive message that draws peoples attention towards them. They said that it is a challenging time for the marketers for the marketers that are trying to engage consumers with environmental messages, which is partially true. Nowadays people are turning towards the idea of saving the environment only if they understand the message of required change and severity of condition coming if they don’t choose to. Like no one cared about when the electricity was produce just by using thermal stations until they realize the pollution problems. It is a good marketing practice and by recording the videos of their customers the also did emotional marketing which is very necessary for this kinds of messages. Changing your lifestyle from normal to saving environment requires some motivation which can only be gained by emotional marketing. But Patagonia’s need a new marketing platform. Of course they don’t have that kind of platform right now but if they get the support of a leading garment firm this idea can change lot of things. It will highly appeal to class of people with low income but also to the people whose memories and emotions are attached with some specific clothes like school football T-shirts, cheerleaders uniform, a gift from some one special or favorite clothes.

    The marketers should come up with new attractive but emotional ideas in order to convey the message to shape a better society. Patagonia’s message “buy less of our stuff” is that kind of message. The market leaders should accept the idea of change and embrace it with new vision for example if a leading brand starts collecting their old clothes and start refurbishing them. People buy a lot of refurbished stuff this days, may be refurbished garments is not a bad idea after all. It just takes a spark to start the fire and if one of the leading brand starts repairing just their own company even then it could bring a revolution in garment business. And may be they can relaunch the old fashioned clothes as a first copy brand.


  26. Brandon Gobbi May 7, 2015 / 3:47 pm

    1. Overall, I think Patagonia’s “Buy Less of Our Stuff” campaign is huge. In today’s society, everyone wants everything new that hits the market. But, people don’t realize that some of the old things we have can still be worn on a daily basis. I think from both a marketing and business standpoint, they will be very successful because it is something different and many people like what they already have and want to continue to wear it. For the time being, I think it will mostly be directed towards the Planet-Friendly people, but at some point it may be possible that others will begin to use this campaign.

    2.Some ways marketing and marketers can better the planet is to continue what Patagonia has done. Reusing products is a major way to do this. Recycled products used to make things or old clothing made better.


  27. Katherine Durant May 7, 2015 / 4:52 pm

    I think Patagonia’s new strategy of ‘Buy Less of Our Stuff’ is a great idea. It will appeal to a wide variety of customers especially now that the company is making a big push in it and it’s becoming better known. People will like the fact that rather than having to buy an entirely new item, it can be repaired through this program Patagonia has. Even though the whole living green aspect may be dying down, I think this is something entirely different. I think the brand with this buy less idea behind it is now stronger in the eye of the consumer. The consumer will purchase more of the products by Patagonia knowing that they have the option of being repaired if something should happen.

    This new marketing strategy by Patagonia will draw in a lot more attention to their company. They will bring in both current and new customers in to their brand. Patagonia also uses the video to back their plan and show how it works which is a great demonstration for the consumer. I think it will help them to appeal to a much wider audience than they even do now. Some of the products sold by Patagonia come at a high cost. I think some people will feel better spending the money if the know they have the backing from the brand that it can be fixed if it is damaged.

    I think overall this is a great marketing strategy. It proves that Patagonia as a company is not solely concerned about themselves but also their customers. This is a great move on their part that will only add to their already strong and growing brand name. I agree with the article that people are caring less about having a “green” planet now that the economy is getting back on track. However, that doesn’t mean it has completely been diminished. Marketing strategies like this are ones that can help keep the peoples and the planets best interests in mind. This idea is not only helping Patagonia customers, but also the planet. This is just one strategy that companies can do to help the environment. You see water bottle company’s all advertising that their latest water bottles are made with recycled plastic. The little aspects of a product go a long way. Marketers need to embrace that we live in a constantly changing world, and they can use this to their advantage.


  28. Meghan Saldutti May 7, 2015 / 7:42 pm

    I think that Patagonia’s “buy less of our stuff” message is brilliant. This marketing strategy is great way to draw in customers who are looking to save money as well as customers who are into reusing clothes, especially clothing that is made by Patagonia. Over the past couple of years I have noticed that Patagonia is beginning to be worn by people of all ages. I see a lot of college kids wearing it and I think if college students would buy these used clothes because they are cheaper and kids our age tend to not really care especially if the clothes are cleaned as well as repaired; most kids would probably not even notice the different. Marketing and marketers can shape society for the better sending the message to consumers that just because a piece of clothing as been worn before, or torn, and it is fixed does not mean it can not be worn again. Consumers tend to throw away clothing as well as items that may have been worn once or torn; it is honestly a waste. If marketers could change the way society thinks of used or torn clothing it could change not only the kinds of clothes people wear but also the way society as a whole thinks of reusing clothes, which tends to be looked down upon.


  29. Braxton Bilous May 7, 2015 / 8:07 pm

    Pantagonia’s “buy less of our stuff” message is a great marketing practicing, as well as a good business practice. The marketing strategy makes people think more green which is great. This business practice is great for the company because it portrays them as a green company which gives off a positive image. Many people feel connected to certain pieces of their clothing and this company allows it to be restored to as good as new. So this could appeal to a wide variety of people, but it will mainly focus on older people with a lower income, because they would rather save money by repairing clothing rather than purchase new clothing. Ways marketers or marketing can shape society for the better is by emphasizing the positive effects that a companies green product has on the environment. Marketers need to stress the importance of being green in their campaigns. People need to realize the impacts the product has and sales may increase eventually when green behaviour starts to increase again.


  30. Brendan Sullivan May 7, 2015 / 8:07 pm

    I really like it. It is an interesting way to sell your product. They are not selling clothes by doing this, but they are selling their brand. It is good because people like how Patagonia is more than just a retail store. You can buy clothes and fix them. It is selling a service along with their clothes. It is a good business practice in terms of gaining long time customers. It is not going to help you sell more. With this extra service I think it can be very successful. It will appeal to a lot of people. It will mostly attract the outdoor environmental people. I also think people who care about this planet will like it too.

    By offering products that are not harmful to society. Even if it is something small like reducing a portion of your carbon footprint. Start spending more money on better alternatives than being cheap and harming the environment. I think putting a going green slogan helps companies sometimes. People hear they are going green they suddenly shop or do business with that company. I think giving back to the community is the best way though. Have your company do volunteer work in the community you do business in. It is good hands on way to help the society. People see you do it and respect it.


  31. Emma Tkachuk May 7, 2015 / 9:05 pm

    1. I think Patagonia’s “buy less of our stuff” campaign is a great idea. Although they are not selling more of their products they are backing up there brand in a positive light by showing that it is the customer who comes first and not the company’s finances. I think they should try and market it more to make it well known because some people who may be interested in it might not even know about it because for me it is the first time I’ve heard about it. I’m a fan of Patagonia and I think it is great that they’re doing this to show their customers they care about them. I think this will appeal to a group of people who are more for the outdoors and have a connection and memories to their Patagonia clothing. I do not think this will appeal to all of Patagonia’s customers because for some people it is just a fashion piece and they don’t wear and tear it.
    2. Recently it has become apparent that people have stopped caring so much about what happens to the earth and can’t be bothered to go out of their way to make a change, but I believe if companies start creating and marketing their products to show that it’s easy to make a change that benefits society it can become popular and make people aware of what we are doing to this planet. If companies begin to make stronger go green campaigns a few people who it matters to may go for it and other people will follow. Showing your company in a positive light by giving back and showing people that these things do matter and creating customer bonds will definitely help shape society for the better.


  32. Keelyn Crowe May 7, 2015 / 10:17 pm

    1. Patagonia’s “buy less of our stuff” is amazing! I have always been a loyal customer of Patagonia and i think their brand message and their products are great! Patagonia has always been known for being environmentally conscious and this video and campaign just reassures that message even more. In my opinion i think this is a great marketing strategy, i recently just watched a video on how some brands now are using a “happiness” strategy to get more personal with their customers and they are saying that it really works. I found myself smiling through the whole video and made me love Patagonia even more so i think for a lot of people they would feel the same. I think this could potentially be a good business strategy but they need to get this video more attention, because this is the first time i even heard about it and i love Patagonia. I think once a lot of people see it, it will take off. I think this campaign will appeal to their more outdoorsy customer side, as you can see from the video. Although i love Patagonia and i wouldn’t label myself as a very outdoorsy person, i mostly wear it for the comfort. My guess is that their customers for this campaign will probably feature people in their late 20’s and over because like the article was saying the generation now would rather just have an app than to write letters. Our generation likes things simple and quick.
    2. I think the way marketers can shape society for the better is show that things don’t have to be thrown away, that they can be reused. Often times people would just rather throw something away, but this gives “reusing” a whole new meaning and ads a meaningful message to it.Since Patagonia is such a popular brand, them doing this can show people that being aware of the environment is cool and doesn’t have to be a “chore”.I really hope their campaign takes off, because i think it is a great idea and will only bring positive things!


  33. Kaitlyn Magnano May 8, 2015 / 1:19 am

    1. Patagonia’s ‘buy less of our stuff’ message is a great idea! I think it is a interesting and creative way to sell their products. Though they may be “selling less”, they are making a great brand name for themselves by doing what they do. This campaign is making people want to buy more of there product because it is shows that the customer comes first which builds customer loyalty and brand recognition. I own many things from Patagonia and love every single piece of clothing that i own from them. They have good quality and when something does become damaged it is able to get fixed, instead of having to go and buy a new one. I think that this is a very good marketing practice for Patagonia because it is showing people what their company is really about and it really shows that they care about their customers. I just think that they need to spread the word about this campaign a little more because I have never heard of it nor did I know that Patagonia did this. So, I think if more people knew about this that is could be a great business strategy for the company. I think that this could potentially be a good business practice because in the article it says that even if you don’t have a piece of clothing that is damaged, they will provide you with one. I think that this campaign will appeal to people who spend most of there time outside. As you could see from the video, most of the people who were interviewed were people who either work outside or are more of the outdoorsy type. Though people who are not the “outdoorsy” type may own Patagonia, like myself, I would say there main target market for this specific campaign would be those who really enjoy the outdoors and really “wear and tear” their clothes.
    2.I think that marketers can show consumers that just because the economy is getting better than it had been a few years back, that it does not mean we can stop ” going green” and caring for our planet. If company’s showed us that just because something tears it doesn’t mean it needs to be throw out and that it could be very simple and easy to repair, that maybe society will start to take care of our planet and environment a little better. If marketers had more campaigns about going green and showing us things that we as consumers can help, even if it is something simple, that people would start to go green and conserve more. Sending out environmental messages could really help a company name and also possibly help the planet in the long run.


  34. Brian Vatkevich May 8, 2015 / 5:08 am

    1. Patagonia’s “Buy less of our stuff” campaign is an excellent idea for the Patagonia marketing team. It is an interesting way to build brand loyalty and awareness. This in particular reminds me to a lesser extent the community that Harley and Davidson built for there motorcycles. Many people are likely to follow a brand if they are confident in their products, and believe in their value. A sort of buy it for life mentality forming for those loyal to Patagonia. On the actual business side it also promotes a green initiative to save clothes for those who still value it, instead of just throwing it away. Another benefit of the campaign is that opens a channel of clarity between Patagonia and the general public. Companies with a clear channel of business to customers like this often gain public support much easier.

    2. Marketers and Marketers can have a larger impact on society that one might think at first.For example if a marketing team for a large name company like Coca-Cola guaranteed a 5 cent deposit for every 12 oz can sold during a 4 week time would generate 178 million dollars for aid and support. (Based of 2015 Q1 Revenue of 10.71 billion). Beyond monetary donations they could continue by promoting better living or loving thy neighbor. Much to akin as Pharrell William’s did with his HAPPY campaign.


  35. Paige Gilbert May 8, 2015 / 2:05 pm

    I think Patagonia’s approach to “Buy less of our stuff” is a bold approach and sends a strong message to their buyers. Being someone that does wear Patagonia this makes me think more of their product, they believe their products are worthy of being repaired instead of thrown away. By Patagonia sending a tour of people to repair their clothes, by hand, really can improve their brand image. Through this approach they will definitely gain more awareness of their brand and gain more customer loyalty by building this direct relationship with not only new customers but old customers. Another company that practices the same tactics is L.L Bean, they have life long warranties on their product, and is one of the biggest environmental companies so Patagonia taking the same approach will make their environmental image stronger.
    Marketing and marketers can shape society to be better by taking on the same approach as L.L Bean and Patagonia, promoting being environmentally healthy can never be a bad thing. Marketers promoting the “fix it” aspect to consumers can really shape society differently because it sends a message not to just thrown something away you can fix an conserve money. Taking this promotional aspect onto social media such as Twitter will make the millennial generation more aware of their promotion tactics, but also can appeal to older generations through television to get their clothing fixed.


  36. Lauren Moran May 8, 2015 / 11:18 pm

    When Patagonia takes the approach of marketing not their products, but their message, they are taking a bold risk. Patagonia is sending out the message that they already have made an impact marketing their clothing so now they want to show customers made an impact on them. The message of going green may help them gain more customers because people may be interested in buying a product knowing that it can last them for life. Not everyone needs a plethora of coats and they want people to know that. It is a good appeal because it’s a unique method and definitely captures attention, especially for people who take the environment seriously. I think that to make this approach even better, they should market it more widely. For example, posting promotional Instagrams and Tweets. They could also commercialize it on TV and Radio ads for people to get a better idea of what Patagonia is all about. Also using pictures in magazines or on billboards can be powerful. Anyway that Patagonia could get their message out, they should take advantage of because they could really influence a lot of people.


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